By David Rambo
November 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22 (CANCELED), 2015.
Directed by Allison Pace
Faith and egos collide in the age of mass-market religion at Houston’s Rock Baptist Church. A search committee has been secretly formed to find a successor to Rock’s legendary pastor, and a young up-and-comer is asked to audition for the job. The Biblical struggle climaxes during Rock’s spectacular Christmas parade.
Dr. Phillip Gottshall — Alan Douglas
Dr. Jerry Mears — Stephen Perry
Hugo Taney — Tom McLeod
$16 — Adults
$12 — Students & Seniors
Curtain time is 7:30 pm Friday and Saturday and 2:30 pm Sunday.
The Box Office and the theater open one (1) hour prior to curtain.
The House opens 30 minutes prior to curtain.
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