A Strange and Separate People

A Strange and Separate People

Written by Jon Marans

May 2, 3, 9, 10, 16, 17

Directed by Ralph Hyman

This engrossing three-character drama addresses the struggle for many to accept their homosexuality while adhering to their religious beliefs, in this case those of Orthodox Judaism. The play explores intriguing questions and yields affecting observations as it considers the courage required to make waves in any environment, from the synagogue to the New York State Legislature. An insightful play about the intersection of God’s law and man’s love, A Strange and Separate People is rich in drama and Jewish tradition. The title comes from comments supposedly made by the late Queen mother, who said she liked the Jews ‘very much, but they were a separate people and a strange people’—perhaps in more ways than she ever expected.

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A Strange and Separate People


Nichole Henry as Phyllis Berman, Matthew Mentgen as Jay Berman, and Ryan Whitfield as Stuart Weinstein in A Strange and Separate People at The Weekend Theater..
Nichole Henry as Phyllis, Matthew Mentgen as
Jay, and Ryan Whitfield as Stuart.


Stuart Weinstein……..Ryan Whitfield
Phyllis Berman………..Nichole Henry
Jay Berman…………….Matthew Mentgen


$16 — Adults
$12 — Students & Seniors

Friday and Saturday night curtain time is 7:30 pm.

The Box Office (and the theater) opens one (1) hour prior to curtain.
The House opens 30 minutes prior to curtain.
