The Best Man

By Gore Vidal

March 22,23,29,30,31, April 4,5,6, 2019

Directed by  Drew Ellis and Jamie Scott Blakey



Two presidential candidates vying for their parties nomination. One a wit and scholar
with high liberal principles, beloved of the eggheads and suspected by practical politicians.
The other a ruthless and hard-driving young man who will let no scruples stand in the way of
his ambitions. The scruples don’t appeal to the ex-president, who enjoys seeing the men
fight. All of this contrasts the minds, emotions and fighting spirits of the two candidates.


Byron Taylor ……………………….Bill Russell
Chad Fulmer ………………………..Joe Cantwell
Lisa Childers ……………………….Alice Russell
Susan Thomey………………………Mabel Cantwell
Gordon Swaim ……………………..Hockstader
Rebecca Burton ……………………Mrs. Gamadage
Johnnie Brannon ………………….Jensen
Tommie Tinker …………………….Blades
Jason Green …………………………Sen. Carlin
Michael Beverly …………………….Sheldon Marcus / Reporter
Jeff Lewellen ………………………..Dr. Artinian / Reporter
Holly Davis …………………………..Catherine / Reporter
Deb Lewis …………………………….Reporter
Theresa Kirtley ……………………..Reporter




$16— Adults
$12— Students & Seniors
Thursday, Friday and Saturday night curtain time is 7:30 PM.
Sunday afternoon curtain time is 2:30 PM.


The Box Office and the theater open one (1) hour prior to curtain.
The House opens 30 minutes prior to curtain.
Please arrive promptly. There will be no late admission.
No Refunds or Exchanges

