

Vincent at The Weekend Theater in Little Rock, ARBy Leonard Nimoy
Based on the play “Van Gogh” by Phillip Stephens

March 18 and 19, 2016

One Man Show!

Two Nights Only!

Starring Tom McLeod

Directed by Alan Douglas


In van Gogh’s lifetime, he sold only one painting and critics labeled his work madness. His story, however, is so much more than that of the misunderstood genius who cut off his own ear. In this play, Vincent’s brother, Theo, movingly reveals Vincent as few knew him, arguing the bigger meaning and significance of his brother’s life to all humankind. As seen through the eyes of Theo, Vincent van Gogh lives on as a symbol of inspiration, courage, passion, and the lust for life that art kindles in all of us.

Vincent at TWT Special Presentation



$16 – Adults
$12 – Students/Seniors
$10 – Season Flexpass holders (Get your 2015-16 Flexpass today!)

Curtain time is 7:30 pm Friday and Saturday.


The Box Office and the theater open one (1) hour prior to curtain.
The House opens 30 minutes prior to curtain.

Vincent at TWT Poster

