“The Odd Couple” (Female Version) Auditions Announced

Auditions for The Odd Couple (female version) are Saturday, June 19, at 11 a.m. at The Weekend Theater. We hope to see you!

Show dates are August 13-29. Karena Malott and Sarah Scott Blakey Laxson will direct.

The female version of “The Odd Couple” is playwright Neil Simon’s comedy re-written for a mostly female cast. The story follows Florence Unger and Olive Madison as they struggle to adjust to their new lives as middle-aged women who are forced into being roommates after Florence leaves her husband.

We have parts for 6 women and 2 men.

You don’t need not to prepare anything in advance. Just come dressed comfortably and complete the audition form at https://survey.zohopublic.com/zs/g5RFyS

If you cannot attend auditions and want to discuss alternate options, email karena.malott@gmail.com

Please let us know if you have not been fully vaccinated for COVID-19, so that we can provide a safe audition environment for you.

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